"Today of all Days" is an action comedy, three-part, web-series about a groom that mistakenly gets pulled into a gun fight, by his best friend, 30 minutes before his wedding. It’s written, produced and starring Drew Cohn and Josh Negrin. This project is being further developed into a television mini series.
Stills below
Actors Josh Negrin and Drew Cohn , then Joey Borgogna, and finally Jared Ward directing
NY Times Article
We were fortunate to be reviewed positively in the New York times.
Trailer for T.O.A.D.
(Episodes further down below)
Episode 1: Two Seconds.
Michael is on the way to his wedding, and his best friend, Scotty, has a 2 second errand to run.
Episode 2: I Got This.
Gunfight prior to the wedding.. no problemo.
Episode 3: Call of Duty
It’s game time.